Program Sekolah Tunas Hijau : Ke Arah Pembentukan Amalan Hijau dalam Kalangan Warga Sekolah” is a joint initiative between Yayasan Hijau Malaysia, Centre for Education and Training for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Green Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia (CETREE & GT, USM), Yayasan Hasanah and Ministry of Education in the effort to promote and educate on green lifestyle, the importance of green technology and sustainability to the young generations from grassroot level. This programme was jointly funded by Yayasan Hasanah and Suruhanjaya Tenaga. In this program, there are 25 schools which located within close proximity with Projek Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) had been chosen to be part of this program.
First Program Sekolah Tunas Hijau commenced on March 2018 and end around November 2018. It comprised of a few phases, such as Phase 1 : Makmal Rintis Pemurnian Instrumen Program, Phase 2 : Makmal Tunas Hijau bersama Wakil Guru, Phase 3 : Implementasi Aktiviti Amalan Hijau di Sekolah, Phase 4 : Penilaian Laporan Aktiviti Amalan Hijau dan Penganalisasi Data, Phase 5 : Lawatan Sekolah dan Pembentangan Aktiviti Amalan Hijau and Phase 6 : Pengumuman Sekolah Terbaik dan Majlis Penganugerahan Sekolah Tunas Hijau.
Many activities and campaigns had been done by the students and teachers at their respective schools to promote Water & Energy Efficiency and 3R initiatives at their own schools. This conform to the goals of this program with aims to achieve 95% acceptance of green practices among school members while stressing on three main aspects which comprised of 5% reduction of electrical usage, 3% of reduction in water usage, and 3% reduction in waste emission.
For the year of 2020, PSTH will be continued at the Kedah state level.