October 15, 2016

KETTHA akan fokus pembangunan teknologi hijau

LANGKAWI: Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air (KETTHA) akan terus memberi fokus utama kepada soal pembangunan teknologi hijau melalui Bajet 2017 yang bakal dibentangkan Jumaat ini.
October 14, 2016

500 sertai senamrobik sempena Karnival YHM

LANGKAWI: Seramai 500 peserta menyertai aktiviti senamrobik yang menjadi acara pembuka tirai kepada Karnival Yayasan Hijau Malaysia (YHM) 2016 berlangsung dua hari di pekarangan Kompleks Pekan Rabu Kuah, di sini.
May 5, 2016

RM40.5 mln for school, churches in Ba Kelalan

LAWAS: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has approved RM 35 million for the construction of the proposed SMK Long Semadoh and RM 5.5 million towards equipment and repair of 110 churches in the Ba Kelalan constituency.
April 3, 2016

‘Be prudent in water and energy usage’

KAPIT: Residents here have been advised to conserve water and energy towards the goal of reducing carbon footprint, which is the contributing factor to global warming.